Looking in the mirror With nothing but a sneer But by breakfast time You're ready to shine Spend your time seeing men How much will they spend? If they can pay Then you're on your way Always on the run Havin' so much fun Diamond dasher The more men, the faster Midnight flasher All the things you've done Diamond dasher Always a disaster Movin' faster Always on the run Your name is diamond dasher, yeah Well, you wear black lace And of course black leather You change your face As quick as the weather You're a lover of the night You never treat men right A lifetime full of sin You'll, you'll get yours in the end, lookout Diamond dasher The more men, the faster Midnight flasher All the things you've done Diamond dasher Always a disaster Movin' faster Always on the run Your name is diamond dasher, yeah Ah, you're lookin' mighty fine Such a dasher, yeah