Walk past these gates to discover a new meaning of life Dispose of useless matter to travel in the speed of light Nothing will be like before Greater than the universe Mayhem for a million years until A new star is? Born Nothing was made to last Don't think that you are divine Struggle until laid to rest Defy the sands of time Beyond the portals of night Arise on a new dimension Where time as you know don't exist Just as your body Nothing was made to last Don't think that you are divine Struggle until laid to rest Defy the sands of time Take a deep breath and the just throw yourself March into ruin and be released from all pain Become a new being with a free mind Make your existence Brighter Nothing was made to last Don't think that you are divine Struggle until laid to rest Defy the sands of time Nothing was made to last Don't think that you are divine Struggle until laid to rest Defy the sands of time