
Black Gold


Far to the east all those lands
You could see
Their culture unique in this world
Their kingdoms were rising
From sands to the sea
The sun and the sand was their home

The paladins' spirit
Was burning above
Guarding their lands full of pride
Worshiped their kings
And their ancient gods
A code of honor, their guide

Nowdays a beast
Has invaded their lives
Spreading like cancer inside
Came from the west
Drawn their natural wealth
Established the black gold
As gods... No...

Buying their leaders
And offering deals
Taking the land's holy veins
Planting all over mechanical beast
Draining its black blood away

Moving in shadows
And pulling the strings
They force them to live in a lie
Arranging behind
The scenes all the crime
The free spirit's gone in the winds

Nowdays a beast
Has invaded their lives
Spreading like cancer inside
Came from the west
Drawn their natural wealth
Established the black gold
As gods... No...

Threatened with wars
And inventing new laws
Spying their life from the sky
Digital screens
In the name of their gold
Decide if they live or they die

Now that this beast
Has invaded their lives
Spreading dark shadows above
Moving, turning, destroy
All around them
Can't see, can't see the sun