
Deus le volt !


Stupid eight grand crusades 
so many inferior ones along 
an impudent burning 
cities in exterminating 
deus le volt! 
the Pope said 
the crusade means all the repentance 
and crusaders make their purge 
deus le volt!deus le volt! 
to kill, to murder in the name of God 
how many people raised the sword 
against the unbelievers 
against those who think other way 
so this way´s your God 
both killer and malice 
how many fanatics saddle their horses 
whipping them to gallop so far 
to take possession of what´s not of them 
deus le volt! 
a purge for every unbeliever 
a pass to Eden for every dead 
At papa dicere: 
crucis expeditio restituere 
omnia mores emendare at miles christianis 
tutum reddere remissio omnia improbitas.