
The First Church


Pray to allah in your sleep, live your dream, make it come true
Twelve apostles, thirteen prophets, let their words seep into you
Angels wing about your temples, titans stand guard by your side
Chasing daemons from your reveries, from the darkness were they hide

Moshe's law in golden letters, carved into the tablets' stone
Thereupon the first church building ere one was three and three were one
Etched into the idol: Musings, reverence to the genial craft
Bestowed upon the human spirit - mockery at which the godhead laughed

On the altar lie the stone, the chalice and the blade
Let them symbolise my bones, my palace and my hatred

Cast yourself upon these grounds, man, cast yourself down at great length
Here I've left for you to gather truth and love and peaceful strength
Transport these faiths into all corners of this world which yet lacks strength
Weigh the words that roll off your tongue
For they are seeds which grow at length
Drink the dust that is not dust, see the sand that is not sand to deathless eyes
Fill the goblet of your hands
And say the prayer in knowing lust and drink into the frame that dies