
The Cold Mirror/Fields of Sorrow


So oft I've crossed the mirror in my dreams,
and so I did again this night
It seems today that my reflection looks past me,
I know this can't be right

In my nightmares, I met people and creatures
From everywhere
A strange screenplay for a dream, for a nightmare
I never craved, I never asked for

Who's the director?

I have strange nights in a strange world
A parallel universe
I looked into a mirror but I couldn't see my own reflection there
The screen was cold and blind, the screen was dull and cold
What are you doing here?

What does this all mean?

The cold mirror of my soul
The dark side of myself
Is only live at night

So oft I've crossed the mirror in my dreams,
and so I did again this night
It seems today that my reflection looks past me,
I know this can't be right

In its chamber there beyond I used to know,
the light is dimmed
And I come to realise: I'm on the outside,
looking in