Mr. and Mrs. West, Britain's serial best. Torture, murder, adultery. Their life began after the kids were asleep. Buried in the garden, a daughter they'd keep. No one would ever know the true extent. Of the crimes committed by these two insaniacs. The bodies were rolled into the daylight. The grisly parade of corpses captivated the masses. Mr. West told the kids that the fathers broke the daughters in. Mrs. West would beat the children severely. Some of the victims were tortured in the basement. Some were taken to a farmhouse, dismembered, brought back and buried. All of them were raped. He killed them when they tried to leave him. No one would ever know the true extent. Of the crimes committed by these two insaniacs. The bodies were rolled into the daylight. The grisly parade of corpses captivated the masses. Captivated the masses. Daddy wrote in his suicide letter, "all I have is my life and I will give it to you, my darling. When you are ready to come to me." Come to me. These words were written just before he was found. Swinging in his cell. And the mother was left to carry out her sentence.