I've been taught the things of life
Even thaught me not to lie
But there's one thing I don't know
What's this thing here in my soul
When I hear this crazy beat
I can not control my feet
Won't somebady tell me why
What's the feeling deep inside
La banda play the caballo beat
Ba banda too shing-a-ling

I've been taught the things of life
Even thaught me not to lie
But there's one thing I don't know
What's this thing here in my soul
When I hear this crazy beat
I can not control my feet
Won't somebady tell me why
What's the feeling deep inside
La banda play the caballo beat
Ba banda too shing-a-ling

I've been taught the things of life
Even thaught me not to lie
But there's one thing I don't know
What's this thing here in my soul
When I hear this crazy beat
I can not control my feet
Won't somebady tell me why
What's the feeling deep inside
La banda play the caballo beat
Ba banda too shing-a-ling