
Victual Ecliptic Hate


Victual Ecliptic Hate

Waiting at the end of life 
To endure the grief 
Of my death the outcome bleak 

Excersising purgatory 
Will they come for me 
Will they cleanse me of my crimes 
Descending from the dark sky 
Breeding on contempt 
For the words, the laws of God 
Their beliefs will drag you down 
And destroy your life 
And all aspects of free will 

Release the demons from within 
Attacking with victual hate 
My hands elasped about your throat 

Dangling from his cross 
Nails pierce your Jesus 
Is this what it costs ? 

To get to heaven 
You have to drink the piss of Jesus 
Or you will end in Hell 
To get to heaven 
You have to eat the cunt of God 
Or you will fall to damnation.