Psycho Symphony

Purple Coloured Kingdom

Psycho Symphony

Part I. Screamgarden 

Pulsating wonder 
Our echoes hurtless sensually 
In the wind 

Racing along 
Clamour of blind birds 
Magic dream-pictures 

Time is going slowly 
In the middle of the sea 
Being resplendent in pain-colours 
Sprinkling sand in our eyes 
Deerscream makes the soundgarden resound 
Cold glance stares at the fire 
I'm afraid. 

Part II. Dreadpalace 

In an astounding lightpalace 
Statuemoths stand, dumbly 
Web-eyed snakes wriggle 
The depths are frightful 
Fear-hiding silentfall 
Rain-washed voiceflow 

Free Breezecry 
Purple-coloured kingdom 
Bleeding body in a frame 
Whose death dance is deep sigh 

Leave the grid-shaped shed 
Step over the ray of the mirror 
Waiting in a delightgarden 
Calming giddiness 

Sweat washes my face 
Fulfilment nears to the end 
Nightabyss at the end of the way 
Body is bleeding from the scream.