


You've been my friend
You've been my door
You've been the only thing that I've been looking for
But when you're gone
You leave no trace
Even the memory of your face

You take the warmth from my bones
You take away my chance
You take away my home
But when you're back
I still don't mind
I am spilling over all the time

And no I didn't know it was going to go this way
No I never knew there would be a final day
And however hard we try to run
We never see how far we've come

There's not a drop
There's not a spark
You have even taken every question mark
And though I call you won't reply
You watch me rooting through each door
You watch me lie

And no I didn't know it was going to go this way
No I never knew there would be a final day
And however hard we try to run
We never see how far we've come

Caught in the mouth of it
The endless twist of it
Oh how I pine for you
Your beaten brow
Your tired frown
Oh will it ever be the same

How can I right your wrongs
The list is just too long
How can I see the good in what we're done
Where is the place you go
That calls you with it's glow
When you won't walk beside me anymore