Hey ravers did you know that I was once where you are now Flashback to subway ride a midnight escape to the underground Calling all sweet dreamers of the world No matter what they take from you, your dreams are just aSaturday away... Saturday people, waiting around their whole lives for the weekendto come Saturday people, sitting in portable classrooms a-twirling theirthumbs, ho hum Maybe you've seen them, their heads hanging low on their deskstumble in on a Monday Can't hardly believe them, sunglasses, ecstasy, vodka and tonicrecovery But hang on, pretty soon it'll be Friday afternoon We'll be running for cover from a world going nowhere On a Saturday night With no reason to be just to be somebody somewhere On a Saturday night Girls and boys...Saturday Make some noise...Saturday Girls and boys...Saturday Pretty soon it'll be Monday morning In my opinion, there's too many lives being wasted on missing thefun Didn't or did ya, ambition eventually leads to executivebreakdown Rave party sequel, hop on a bus magic trip to industrialbuilding So hang on, it's been a long ride but ya know we'll be theresoon Chorus Have you seen Natalie Indigo, we were supposed to meet threehours ago I know...oh no Was she caught up in the corporate undertow, was she too tired toget up and go Guess sooner or later everybody gives in So sad when life takes your best Saturday friend away Girls and boys And life took you away Make some noise Chorus