When the ending comes, is it gonna run At us like a wild-eyed animal? A foreign disease washed upon the beach A dagger plunged from out of the shadows A cosmic grief beyond all comprehension All good laid low by outside evil Against belief, a riot in the streets A giant beast turning mountains into black holes Fiction Fiction No, none of that Rolling in your heads Reality has a far duller edge Everybody's hunted with a smile Being processed by the boys They got the job when they came back to town Why not let 'em earn a living? Fill out the form, download the app Submit your face into the scanner Everybody's hunted with a smile Being processed by the boys In their tatterdemalion uniforms They look so nice Tattoos of their children So cool, so nice This time will be gentle enough Gentle enough This time will be gentle enough Gentle enough Next time will be different Different Next time will be different So cool, so nice They'll be gentle enough Gentle enough They'll be gentle enough Gentle enough