Prostitute Disfigurement

In Sanity Concealed

Prostitute Disfigurement

I'm called the one-eyed drifter
A cross-country odyssey of crime
Advocate of different methods
My cruelty seems to know no bounds

While you sleep, I destroy your world
Becoming a merciless killing machine
Murder to rob and eliminate witnesses
Rape as a tool of punishment

Fulltime arsonist
Devil worshipping cultist
Chronic alcoholic
Bestial and depraved
Hitman for "The Hand of Death"
Raping and killing saints
In service to this cult

Female targets of violent outbursts
I expose the terrible realities of existence
Enjoy the transient feeling of power
I'm the exploiter of murder an mayhem

Look down on me,
You will see a fool
Look up to me,
You will see your lord
Look straight at me,
You will see yourself
I'm the sickening of humanity
Concealed in sanity

My cold blooded nature
Beneath a veil of charms
I'm a master in dissembling
My true monstrous face

A prodigy of wickedness,
Hollow to the core
Murdered, raped and burned
My way through the state
Determined to raise hell
And spreading fear
Day by day,
My twisted life if hate