Twelve PM and I'm waking up
Four hour drive from [?]
Pick the phone up to call you
Just like I always do
Something's wrong here
I heard the news
As I rush home in hopes I'd be with you
I got the call and I screamed so loud
At the news, it broke me down

When I look to skies, I've got you in my eyes
I know that I'm fine 'cause I'm never alone
Now I just try to thank God for those times
We spent all those nights
We were never alone

Eight AM and I open my eyes
To the hardest day of my life
I tell myself: Kid, you've got to be strong
'Cause you know it's what she'd want
It's now ten AM and I'm stepping outside
To the sun as it burns my eyes
And I'm so sick, so sick of being home without you
Your mom and dad, you know they say
That one day things will all be okay
But I have hard times