Project FRUiTY

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Project FRUiTY

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1,2,3, Go~

Bla, bla bla..bla~
Bla, bla bla..bla~
Bla, bla bla..bla~ (iyey,iyey,iyey,iyey)
Pi, pi pi..pi~
Pi, pi pi..pi~
Pi, pi pi..pi~ (iyey,iyey,iyey,iyey)
Mya, mya mya..nya~
Mya, mya mya..nya~
Mya, mya mya..nya~ (iyey,iyey,iyey,iyey)
Do, do
Do, do
Do, do (iyey,iyey,iyey,iyey)

I wonder if I can sing
But it's impossible
No matter how I try it
Will be unuseful

Will I be able to sing it
Since I am not alive
But still, my master insisted it
And so I need to sing, and feel alive~ (hey..master..please~)

Lets feel it together (bla, bla bla..bla~ 2x)
And make you smile (onega~I), when you feeling lonely (bla, bla bla..bla~ 2x)
So let me dance, by your side...please let me try~ (se no!!)

Hey hey master please...let’s have some fun
I want you to laugh with me right now (nya~..nya~)
And I will treasure this meaningful time
To see your smile (hoya oi~..hoya oi~)
I know it's hard to create my voice
But the way you enjoy it to make me sing so badly
Makes me wants to try my best
And thanks to you...thanks to you... I'm alive

My master..please sing with me..onegai (nya~..nya~)
Singing not know (hoya oi~..hoya oi~)
So please..stay..beside me..ok? (nya~..nya~)

Feel alive~ (hey..master..please~) lets feel it together (bla, bla bla..bla~ 2x)
And make you smile (onega~I), when you feeling lonely (bla, bla bla..bla~ 2x)
So let me dance, by your side...please let me try~ ( no!!)

Hey hey master please...let’s have some fun
I want you to laugh with me right now (nya~..nya~)
And I will treasure this meaningful time
To see your smile (hoya oi~..hoya oi~)
I know it's hard to create my voice
But the way you enjoy it to make me sing so badly
Makes me wants to try my best

And thanks to you...thanks to you...
I will be alive just for you...just for you...
I will be all right hontoni..hontoni

Bla, bla bla..bla~
Bla, bla bla..bla~
Bla, bla bla..bla~ (iyey,iyey,iyey,iyey)
Pi, pi pi..pi~
Pi, pi pi..pi~
Pi, pi pi..pi~ (iyey,iyey,iyey,iyey)
Mya, mya mya..nya~
Mya, mya mya..nya~
Mya, mya mya..nya~ (iyey,iyey,iyey,iyey)
Do, do
Do, do
Do, do (iyey,iyey,iyey,iyey, iyey,iyey,iyey,iyey)

Can I make you feel..happy? (nya~)