Pure and serene Ethereal Like dew on a cobweb Of a delicate silk And sheer threads of silver Are the weft Of the fabric of dreams Gauzy and fragile (Gauzy and fragile) Like thin ice (Thin ice) Oh floating dust (Floating dust) In open skies (In open skies) I feel... Hyaline Hyaline Ethereal Like tranparent waters (They tenderly held me) And mother of pearl (With gentle sway) Those moon like pale opals (All covered) I feel... With moonbeams While drifting Hyaline... While drifting Our trails of afterglow Pulse like shimmering stardust And the patterns That they draw Lead the way out of darkness We grow wings From abyssal fins (To take flight) And feel... Ethereal Like transparent waters (Sweet wonders unfolding) And clear lucid dreams (I'm conscious) Iridescent and pale (To take flight) Insect wings Hyaline Hyaline... Unclouded.. My soul feels Unclouded We get ready now For life under the light (Sweet wonder) (I feel) We get ready now For life under the light (I'm conscious) (I feel) We get ready now For life under the light (To take flight) Light is a feather Hyaline Unclouded I feel Ethereal Don't you feel ethereal? Unclouded... Don't you feel ethereal? Pure and serene... My essence... Ethereal