Prinzhorn Dance School

Crackerjack Docker

Prinzhorn Dance School

what what what
what did you call him
spary monkey

what what what
what did you call him
spary monkey

hobnail boots
on the escalator

down the radiator

it's the five o'clock shocker
it's the five o'clock shocker
it's the five o'clock shocker
knock knock
crackerjack docker

what what what
what did you call him
spary monkey

what what what
what did you call him
spary monkey

leave it all
leave the shire
with blisters on your fucking hands
from knotting the wires

it's the five o'clock shocker
it's the five o'clock shocker
it's the five o'clock shocker
knock knock
crackerjack docker

it's the five o'clock shocker
it's the five o'clock shocker
it's the five am shocker
knock knock