The wall: it cometh down on Ischariot! (Her Minstrel:) The fire doth belong to a pregnant soul: The soul of your humble minstrel: What if sparks wrest from my soul: It's your anvil; it's mine breeze Running cold, as cold as coal And the cinder riseth, if you please! Phoebus: shall you spare mine eyes? Spare them lest my burning soul yearns; Will my last groan be the prize For its sores, its frights, its burns? Burn! Soul: burn! It's burning my soul My soul's on fire Turn to my soul Time's on fire! (His Mistress:) Tinder is the nature of soul Who, by blaze, is blacksmith? Iron? Can only will and virtue be toll To appease this flaming tyrant? Alas! Now that Judas turneth It licketh, it flareth - and it burneth... Burn! Soul: burn! It's burning my soul... The wall: it cometh down on Ischariot! On Ischariot and his burning blood! It's burning my soul....