


From: * (Max mad)
Newsgroups: *
Date: 20 Mar 1995 17:12:32 GMT

Yeah I know, it's a basic R'n'R bass line, but
hey, I only started playing 4 months ago :)
Maybe it'll help another beginner :)

Enhancements welcome, at *

So that's how I play it :

(spoken intro skipped)

Beginning / on "She's a peach"
G --------------------
D --------------------
A -5-3-2-1-0----------
E -----------3-4-5----

G --------------------
D --------------------
A -5---5-5-5-5-5-5---- *4
E --------------------
   She was dark, 
   she was tan
   She made me
   glad to be a man

G --------------------
D --------------------
A --------------------  *2
E -3---3-3-3-3-3-3---- 
   She was young
   she was smart

G --------------------
D --------------------
A -5---5-5-5-5-5-5----   *2
E --------------------
   Just one glance 
   and she stole my heart

G --------------------------------------
D --------------------------------------
E -2------------------------------------
A --------------------3-----------------
   The kinda girl you wanna teach

Max mad