


B4 we get started
R we all alone?
´Cause eye´m about 2 get open-hearted
It´s time 2 send Ur company home and turn off Ur cell phone
Baby, can´t U c, eye just want 2 get U satisfied (satisfied)

This is gonna b a long night (long)
A little bit longer afternoon (afternoon)
Girl, if we get this thing right (ooh)
Oh, U gonna get satisfied real soon (can´t u see)
Can´t U see eye´m just tryin´ 2 get U satisfied (satisfied) yea

Eye ain´t talking about nothing physical
´Cause 4play starts in the mind (in the mind)
Eye´m just trying 2 get U 2 think about doing things
That U´ve always wanted but could never find

Eye´m gonna seek this thing like a buried treasure (seek and destroy)
Like Columbus sailing over the sea
Until eye discover the land beyond expertise and chastity
Eye´m just trying 2 get U satisfied (satisfied)

Eye´m sure U had another lover (another lover)
Let me tell U baby, all trick aside
Eye can get U out of Ur body
Have U ever felt like U were dyin´ and felt satisfied?