Ladies and gentlemen! Dude and dudettes! It's time about, that all out, funk funk funky action! Mmmmm! She's bad ain't she? She's so bad she good! Want me 2 rap? Yes! I'll be over here posing by the Porsche! Solid Good afternoon, darlin' U must be helping out a friend Because U are must 2 pretty 2 be working in here What's up with that? What's up with your buddy over there holding his stuff? Does he have 2 use the bathroom? No baby, he's posing... by the Porsche! Cars don't impress me That's Morris Day and he would like 2 eat U, I.. I mean meet U Alright, go get him Hey Morris, she wants 2 meet U, man Oh Lawd! Hello my dear My name is Morris Where'd U get that ass? Same place U got your manners! Jerome, where'd I get my manners? Same place she got that ass And where was that? Mama That's right baby, yo mama! Now let's be nice, it's such a pretty day Where are we going? I'm taking U 2 my club Your club? Yeah, I rounded up some people and bought a club Legal-like, U know? And that's where we're going I'll believe it when I see it Morris, how long has it been? 6 hours? (Chill nigga!) What a lovely lady! My God, the one last night... She's so fat, she have 2 use a VCR 4 a beeper, no? Hehe, U're fired I'm fired? I'm fired! (That's right) I quit! They shouldn't have let U people in the country in the first place! Let us in the country?! Now what history book did U read, boy? Jerome, hook this punk up 2 my Porsche! The roller skates? The roller skates! No, not the roller skates! I think I wanna go home! Home? The party's just startin', Stella! But come sit down Do U wanna see me dance? Dance? Jerome, Body Language Now do The Horse (Yeah) Oak Tree! (Look out) I like that, Oak Tree! Get ready, Chili Sauce! Fellas? (Yeah!) Hit me and don'tcha lag Tell me what dance 2 do - it start with an M (Murph Drag!) Good God! I ain't through yet, band!