We run a nasty chain, the young will not betray us 
Our minds and mental frames protect us from the chaos

You too shall seek the truth amongst those that you
To win and lose We must escape from the shadows of
that are chaining us down, that are blocking the
source underground 
Thus numbing is our world's most used appeal 
And numb is the word that our master deals 
The center is a constant and change surrounds it 
change itself does not change wanea told me this 
when I was a little kid I used to figure this, 
that deep within the ground was the center of things,

and so that's where I was headed deep within the
and I did it, I was found through a hole in the ground

I dug ferocious till the motions stilled emotions 
and I saw notions asleep. I was to be what I was to
I had responsibilities to the opportunity 
And the possibilities that were offered to me 
A conquer at the cocoon, conquest to the capsule 
that covers and encloses seed soul 
Spirit manifestation in this material world 
and experience of the senses and senses not to miss so
picture this... 
A girl runs free through a dream surrounded by a
that rips at the seems It is man made history, 
the supreme man-made one who stands at the gate 
of the castle is a slave, one who says to her 
Dare you compare the clothes that you wear with your
Are they you? Are they true? 
Do you measure? Do you separate? 
Can you calculate what it is 
that has made this dream that awakes into bliss? 
Before there was two there was one. 
Before there was one was the center. 
Remember? In the mind there is you and I. 
Between the earth and the sky there is you and I. 
In this castle or palace there is you and I. 
It is we that define and remind the divine. 
We met at sunset seasons later. 
Seems that then a bet was met by a maker 
Because in all these years neither the tears nor the
amount to half of the cheers that I felt when I met
Yeah I knew her I was pleased. 
Wanea was a woman who was tied to her beliefs. 
Had my head between her bosoms and explained so
Volition is volatile vision, verbalized eloquently 
Sounding serious and committed to a far reality 
As in distant as in abstract, summarized beautifully 
me, she said, I spy with the eye third you fly high 
bird in the sky well it feels right, very light 
but very scary though 
Even though the higher you climb the higher you grow 
unless you can fly you can fall and grow nothing 
You should beware over there 
they'll give you reasons why you should not care 
Become numb like them but remember that you 
come from the ones that care, for the ones over there

you will smile and declare that you've come for us 
like you've come for them that you've come to bust...