Primitive Hate Machine

Hamster on the Shitter

Primitive Hate Machine

You lock our thoughts inside our heads
Repress what we want said
Never one true word spoken
This forced silence we want broken

Don't agree with what we say
Just cause we think differently
Offended by a word like fuck
Well fuck your views and fuck you too

Cant speak the truth, cant speak my mind
Never cross the line, conform all the time
A right to be heard, profane word for word
This is the truth - this is my mind

Wrap your kids in cotton wool
They grow up then break the rule
What else do you expect
Their rights, you neglect

Blindfolds placed around our eyes
Tightened by hypocrisy
Chains placed around our mouths
Locked by all you criticise

Cant speak the truth, cant speak my mind
Never cross the line, conform all the time
A right to be heard, profane word for word
This is the truth - this is my mind