Oh sadness, forgive my insolence Fullmoon, that with your apparent beauty you conserated both lovers ...be my partner now stars of the eternal night that enlighten all around you with majestic compliance ...ride together with me. Oh, sadness. forgive my insolence. Eternally I'll go to the cemetary limits. ...as a dove dying for the carelessness of a child ...as the war tenderly cherishing the chosen ones... since I raise over the rest with unsurrendered and decided steps, let me march over suffering. on my twilight I name you, night for you to come and bring me mercy, for you to swamp my soul from the infinite frozen, ever alone and sempiternal. at dapbreak I glimpsed your lips and your sweet words of Delusion, but you will not make me blind moved away from my piety, my condition of human being is not enought to feed you. ...as a rose that foreign the street glances, finished withering... ...as you sadness, that embrace all around you with your wings of wisdom... ...sadness... WAR! ...