Prairie Ramblers

Ghost In The Graveyard

Prairie Ramblers

It was a dark and stormy night
Not a star was in sight
In a graveyard by a church
Way up on the hill

Well the ghosts come out to play
Then I thought I heard one say
I've caught you
I'll keep you always will (? Oh I will?)

Now I've got you where I want you
I'm gonna keep you where I've got you
For you're the one that shot my
Great grand-pa

Now I told you I would get you
Now if I saw you now I've got you
For you're the one that stole my
Great grand-ma

On that very same night
That old tomcat started a fight
And this is the way
It all did sound to me

(Cat hisses rows)

Now I couldn't stand there
I didn't like them cats you should know that
And I didn't like them ghosts either so
I looked down at my feet and I said feet come on now
And do your duty
And carry me on home
Well that ghost looked up to me and says

I've got you where I want you
I'm gonna keep you where I've got you
For you're the one that shot
My great grand-pa