Walking near destiny's fire Threading the line between joy and pain A devious mind playing with the light Once peaceful, now going insane Raping the moment Regardless of time to come On once burdened shoulders Now sits a horde of fullfilled demon smiling in raw extacy You might think you are through with the past But the past is not through with you And now you have waken The beast from within By following The guidance of sin And hate will flow strong In your black heart Drown you in darkness And rip you apart But there is always a time and place Foe blaspemy's mocking fave And there is always darkness Luking in the depts of the soul Raping the moment Regardless of time to come On once burdened shoulders Now sits a horde of fullfilled demons smiling in raw extacy You might think you are through with the past But the past is not through with you The feast has moved to your own door