Posmrtna Liturgija

Unseen Horizons

Posmrtna Liturgija

Unfullfiled dreams, unseen horizons 
Unrevealed future that lies ahead beyond all 
Frozen land grow so cold! 
Snowless winters like worlds without fear 
Unforested mountains on the northern side 
As the body slowly leaves this world 

Frozen years await for me, glorious thy gleam 
Glorious thy gleam, await for me! 

Unfullfiled dreams, unseen horizons 
Unrevealed future that lies ahead beyond all 
Frozen land still grow cold! 
Unwalk paths, ways to glory 
Flowless streams never find the seas 
As the body slowly leaves this world 

Past and future are by my side 
With streanght and might I hear the voice of ice 
And see the days that rest beyond.