I am P.O.S. I be the new generation of slaves Here to make papes off this land corporation's rape From that life I'm tryin' to separate But I guess I'm livin' dreams cuz my rent's always a month late Product of an East German Black Who kissed the neck, of a pretty woman named Grace But he lkeft my life just a little too soon Didn't see me catch the Doomtree fame As we go a little somethin' like this Look mom, no protection, no I got a baby boy by the name of Jake And I been tryin' to play the cowboy to rustle in the dough When I think I'm getting' better every passin' day I'm not an early bird, plus the feathers' all black So by the time I catch an apple, usually it's rind But it's a must to decipher one's girl From the round, sweet apples that are rotten on the inside I cherish my free time But I maximize so my soul needs to unwind I wanna see the stars be the moon to my sun (But I'm always on the run, run, run) I fake to all these hard-case kids I raise a black fist But won't say (nigga) in the things I write And I don't say (faggot) Cuz I don't think it's right I know my boy struggle with that for over half his life I guess we got our own lives to live But I'm stretched too thin, tryin' to build a kingdom to rule And I think to the past sometimes And dag man, it's bad, see I kinda acted like a fool But I've apologized to the lives that I've touched Wrong pride, to the back, move ahead strong But I can safely say I've never played a woman without karma catchin' up later on I try to walk the right side of the tracks But I've hopped a couple trains Mom would cry if she knew the haps But I can stand who I am And face the day straight Knowin' not a thing can change what our beat singin' No one will ever be, like me No one will ever be, like me And I know I'm not (?) but when I try to do what's right Everyone who comes to me don't understand or see my plight Everything I've ever done, and all the plans I've had inside I was Mr. Gone Wrong in way, so I gave up and said (Alright) So now I do what I can, I'm (Alright) Stand up like Mama raised me (Alright) I was dope from the bottom And pulled a flush I've been livin with my chips all in And I'm still in see I am P.O.S. I be the new generation of slaves Here to make papes off this land corporation's rape From that life I'm tryin' to separate But I guess I'm livin' dreams cuz my rent's always a month late And lookin' back it seems I've always been a step behind Little off-track and feelin' no one shared a frame but mine Listenin' to records in my room to escape Found some things I could relate with, I wore out the tape We said When I lose, every time I win, cuz No one will ever be, Messin' up stuff or doin' things wrong Quite like me