Porgy and Bess: (The Musical)

Oh, I Can't Sit Down

Porgy and Bess: (The Musical)

I can't sit down
Oh I can't sit down
I gotta keep a goin' like the flowin' of a song
Oh I can't sit down
I guess I'll take my honey an' her sunny smile along

Today I am gay an' I'm free
Oh just a bubblin,' nothin' troubblin' me
Oh I can't sit down
I can't sit down

Happy feelin' in my bones astealin', no concealin' det is picnic day!
Yeah I'm feelin' happy, I'm feelin' happy, so happy, det is picnic day!
Sure is dandy, got de likker handy, Me an' Mandy
Sure I'm feelin' happy, I'm feelin' happy, so happy
We are on de way because it's picnic day!

Oh I can't sit down
I gotta keep a jumpin' like de thumpin' of a drum
Oh I can't sit down
I'm full of all commotion like an ocean full of rhum!

Today I am gay an' I'm free
Oh just a bubblin' nothin' troubblin' me
Oh I'm goin' to town
I can't sit down
I can't sit down

Oh baby I can't sit down
Oh baby I can't sit down
Gotta keep agoin'
Keep agoin' like a song'