Sedate by all means, money machines Segregate, kings from queens Institutions, constitutions Freedom, where's the solution Nevermind, Never will Anytime, shoot to kill Built by hate, with noone to love Stay the night, your about to get shoved Step aside, watch the colors bleed Step aside, watch the colors bleed The rise of democracy Step aside, watch the colors bleed Step aside, watch the colors bleed The rise of democracy Fight the system, stop and listen True colors, how can you miss them Born with knowledge, raise the fist Face the enemy, just resist Surrender, but the brand remains Lock us up, can't be contained Built by hate, with nobody to love Stay the night, your about to get shoved Step aside, watch the colors bleed Step aside, watch the colors bleed The rise of democracy Step aside, watch the colors bleed Step aside, watch the colors bleed Step aside There's evil in us all There's evil in us all There's evil in us all There's evil in us all Step aside, watch the colors bleed The rise of democracy Step aside watch the colors bleed Step aside, There's evil in us all