Bless the lord oh my soul Oh lord my God you are clothed With splendor and majesty Covering yourself with light He stretched out the heavens like a tent Lays the beams of his chambers on the waters and then Makes the clouds his chariot And rides on the wings of the wind He set the earth on its foundations The waters they stood above the mountains But at your rebuke at the sound of your thunder The mountains they rose and the valleys sank under To the very place that you appointed for them So they may never cover the earth again Oh lord how many are your works so wise you made them all And the earth is full of your creatures See the sea teeming with life animals both great and small And they all yes they all everyone looks to you You send the forth the springs for each beast to drink As the birds of the heavens lift up their voices The earth it is satisfied With the fruit of your works You cause the plants to grow for man That he may bring food and wine for gladness Oil to make his face shine And bread for his heart Trees of the lord, mountains and Moon Seasons and darkness all come from you Lord how many are your works so wise you made them all And the earth is full of your creatures See the sea teeming with life animals both great and small And they all, yes they all everyone looks to you To give them food in due season When you open up your hand when you give it to them When you send your spirit they are created And you renew the face of the ground Everyone looks to you