


Krabby, Snubbull, Venonat,
Mankey, Chansey and Zubat
Slowking, Ditto, Butterfree,
Lugia and Caterpie
Oddish, Poliwag, Goldeen,
Elekid and Nidoqueen
Victreebel and Magneton - Everybody Polkamon!
Aerodactyl, Seel, Machoke,
Marill, Moltres, then Slowpoke,
Articuno, Ditto, Muk,
Flareon and ol' Psyduck
Cloyster, Kingler, Shellder, Gloom,
Snorlax and of course Vileplume
Zapdos and Charmeleon - Everybody Polkamon!

It's time to polka
For Ponyta and Pidgey too
Come on put on your lederhosen
And try not to stamp on little Pikachu
You'd better grab yourself a partner
Like Tentacruel or Bulbasaur (Bulbasaur!)
Hold on a minute - there's still at least a hundred andtwenty-seven more

Including Ledyba and Omastar
Jynx, Bellossom and Magmar
Geodude and Arcanine
Jigglypuff and Mr. Mime
Don't forget about Sandslash,
Exeggcute and Rapidash
Lickitung and Porygon - Everybody Polkamon!

Everybody Polkamon!
Everybody Polkamon!

Krabby, Snubbull, Venonat,
Mankey, Chansey e Zubat
Slowking, Ditto, Butterfree,
Lugia e Caterpie
Oddish, Poliwag, Goldeen,
Elekid e Nidoqueen
Victreebel e Magneton - Todos, Polcamon!
Aerodactyl, Seel, Machoke,
Marill, Moltres, e Slowpoke,
Articuno, Ditto, Muk,
Flareon e todos, Psyduck
Cloyster, Kingler, Shellder, Gloom,
Snorlax e com certeza, Vileplume
Zapdos e Charmeleon - Todos Polcamon!

É hora da polca
Para Ponyta e Pidgey também
Venha, coloque a sela
E tente não pisar no pequeno Pikachu
É melhor você mesmo arrumar um parceiro
Como Tentacruel ou Bulbasaur (Bulbasaur!)
Só um minuto - ainda tem pelo menos mais 127

Incluindo Ledyba e Omastar
Jynx, Bellossom e Magmar
Geodude e Arcanine
Jigglypuff e Mr. Mime
Não se esqueça do Sandslash,
Exeggcute e Rapidash
Lickitung e Porygon - Todos, Polcamon!

Todos, Polcamon!
Todos, Polcamon!