O my hunky white anglo-saxon bully boys You are soaked in syrup like a cherry You are secure and have no lack of friends Soaked in syrup like a cherry You lean against the bar creaming and dreaming The choicest fruits of the earth are on a plate at your feet You can screw and eat bananas and play space invaders Whenever you please o yeah O my spunky white beauty boys You are bored to death You are permitted to wank in public As long as you keep your hands in your pockets. You are bored to death You can chew and wallow and bite and swallow On giant pornburger mansize cowhide meatdreams and stagger home Flattered on real ale. Real male o yeah O my white daddytoy babbyboy oi oi bullybelly You are all you have got Wake up from the wet dream cream bun fun fair. You are all you have got Close the sunday papers some day rapers Close the dreamrags and open your eyes Open your hearts and examine your blood supply. You will need them both very soon O my pacifist neochristian, lillywhite bullyboys You cannot stand the sight of blood You are drenched in the blood of your sisters and brothers. You are drenched in blood Your baby lips sucked on the dark breast Of Africa, India, Arabia. Black milk and honey But it's brush off time now sonny They're buttoning up their blouses now sonny No more black milk and honey For your lillywhite tummy sonny No more honey for Grabbydaddy Babbydaddy. Suckthumb. Fuckmum Beebopdaloola bam bam boom