Point Of No Return

What Was Done

Point Of No Return

"I won't respect this craziness you call free choice.
If your ideas threaten my goals, you'll be silenced at
any cost"
'64, a declaration of war against human rights
The first action in a wave of repression that no one
could fight
Corrupt statesmen defending the economy of the USA
Setting the domination of today's politics
As long as you fought for freedom you would be an
If your choices heartned equality you could not live
Enlarging the market, increasing the profits, they did
everything to reach such aims
Thousands of lives lost
That's the price that no one is ever going to pay...
For what was done
I won't respect this craziness you call free choice
If your ideas threaten my goals, you'll be silenced at
any cost
Political activists' disappearings (homicides) under a
killer State
"Internal Security"... An excuse to smash whatever
crossed their path
A victory for liberty if freedom means profits and
A unique brutality in the history of this bloody
Our past was stained because of this coward
Years went by as our hopes died
There's no justice for the dead
And there will be no judgement for the real guilty
Only tears shed for what was done