Knowing you will pull us through is not forgone No one knows just where we're going Or what we're won't to do What we'll opt to do Knowing you the way I do scares me more than I wanna Finding fault where there isn't Truffling for the wrong Still can't get my mind off Knowing you will see it through is not what I'd bet on I'm an old habit That you can't erase Anytime you're winning I will fix the race Saying no to you is way easier said than done Correspond, quotidian I live with you everyday Knowing what little we know will never be enough The planet moves around thе Sun Amazing what we know and don't know A galaxy of questions What I'd give to changе my answer is my avoiding The feeling of being wrong And of moving beyond You could swear you had it Now you can't escape And it's old hat That you'll give in to me You can't live life Without something you're suffering Will we ever see this through is for no one to know When it becomes unbearable To not do what you set out to To not do what you set out to If I know you If I know you If I know you I know you Knowing you Knowing you I'm you