


red blood. 
earth hands. 
a canyon between your legs when you sit, 
your shoulders bare the world when you stand. 

come puff it up and pucker peacock. 
you got the world at your feet i know. 
so you think you're the bomb, 
come explode what you got over me. 

you gotta give me bravado. 
you gotta give me bravado. 
you gotta give me bravado. 
you gotta give me bravado. 
give it to me, force it on me, 
rub it up and down me. 
it's ridiculous but delicious, 
so give me bravado. 

red hands. 
and a stiff wrist. 
a dip in your hip and a chip on your shoulder. 
you settle arguments with your fist.