Tom: Db By Stotts/Axeman From: Metal Priestess Tuning: Standard C#5 X D#5 X X X 6 8 6 8 4 6 X X Verse Pattern= C#5 D#5/C#5 C#5 riff2 C#5 D#5/C#5 C#5 riff2 alternate (I noted below to get you going) (phone ringing) Hello? As of 12 noon tomorrow, say goodbye to the world as you know it Hello? Say goodbye to . . . (three drum beats and . . .) (riff2) Neutron bombs and chemical food Cowboy politics and man on the moon (riff2 alt) Murder and rape and chemical waste Pollution and death,Home of the brave Racism television corporate god polyurethane breakfast formica lunch Insipid ideas, and comformative rules collapsing cities archaic schools (phone conversation riff throughout) Hello? As of 12 noon tomorrow, say ggodbye to the world as you know it Hello? Say goodbye to **Small minded people,they know it all Big brother is watching the KKK ball BHA BHT propyl gallate MSG Dried corn syrup, TBHQ Dipotasium phosphate (wholesome products for you) Gum acacia hydrogenated oil potato starch bring to a boil (phone conversation riff throughout) Hello? As of 12 noon tomorrow, say goodbye to the world as you know it Hello? Say goodbye to Lead break (the lead is basically Richie Stotts feeding back over a funky bass riff by Jean Beauvoir) (repeat **) Hello? As of 12 noon tomorrow, say goodbye to the world as you know it Hello? Say goodbye to . . . . Hello? Hello? Hello? The song has two basic main riffs. The first is always played over the phone conversation with the second riff thrown in on the end. the second riff appears in the verses as well. I tabbed out the phone conversation riff as one tab but you will recognize the restatement in the riff2 for verses. As usual- it helps to listen to the song to get the feel right. Phone Riff: E---------------------------------------------------------------------------| B---------------------------------------------------------------------------| G---------------------------------------------------------------------------| D----------3-1-------------4-3---------3-1----------------------------------| A----------------------------------------------------4-3--------------------| E - 1-1-1--------1-1-1--------- 1-1-1-------1-2-1----------------------------| Repeats throughout phone call Riff2 (follows at the end of each line in the verse) Alternate Riff:2: E-------------------------------------- E---------------------------------| B-------------------------------------- B---------------------------------| G-------------------------------------- G---------------------------------| D-------------------------------------- D---------------------------------| A-----------4-3------------------------ A------------4-3------------------| E ----1-2-1---------------------------- E----1-1-1------------------------|