Plain Jane Automobile

While They're Watching

Plain Jane Automobile

I woke up yesterday
To the sound of
People in my head
And I didn't know their names
And they won't tell me because I won't play their game

Sometimes I get
Crazy from it

When can I talk?
Not while they're watching
They won't let you
But if you make it up
And maybe leave real loud
You get to stay

I woke up yesterday
To the sound of people at my feet
And I wanted them to stay
But they never because I don't sing so

Sometimes I get
Crazy from it

When can I talk?
Not while they're watching
They won't let you
But if you make it up
And maybe leave real loud
You get to stay

Sometimes I get
Crazy from it

When can I talk?
Not while they're watching
They won't let you
But if you make it up they'll take you down
And if you make it up they'll take you down
Somehow you get to stay
Who lets them stay?