Place of Skulls

Changed Heart

Place of Skulls

Humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord 
He'll lift us up in due time 
He's never late and He's never wrong 
Able to save and destroy this is His song 

Let no man say he's been tempted by God 
There's no evil in him to tempt anyone 
But we're all tempted when we're drawn away 
By our own desires we give way 

And I pray for a changed heart 
To walk with you Lord, and never depart 
And I pray for a changed heart 
You grant me the grace for a new start 

And when that desire has been conceived 
It gives birth to our sinful disease 
So lay aside all your filth and woes 
And accept the holy word which saves our souls 

Submit to God and the devil will flee 
Change my heart so graciously 
I humble myself in the sight of the Lord 
Who's word is sharper than a double-edged sword 

And I pray for a changed heart 
To walk with you Lord, and never depart 
And I pray for a changed heart 
You grant me the grace for a new start