Pizzicato Five


Pizzicato Five

kare to anata to watashi 
natsu no kageroo ni tokete yuku 
suna no ue hirusagari no koi 
taikutsu na hikari no naka 

dare mo nani mo iwanai 
furui eiga no bamen no yoo 
taiyoo ga kogashita jikan 
sukoshi zutsu rinkaku?? o ushinau 

asobi tsukare 
sono ato wa 
shinda yoo ni nemuru no 
mawaru natsu no taiyoo 
mawaru futashika na kisetsu 

kare to anata to watashi 
soshite itsu ka owaru 'vacance' 
'radio' kara nagereru uta wa 
sukoshi zutsu rinkaku?? o ushinau 

asobi tsukare 
sono ato wa 
shinda yoo ni nemuru no 
mawaru natsu no taiyoo 
mawaru futashika na kisetsu 

He and you and I
Melting in the summer heat
on the sand, love in the early afternoon
in the dull light

nobody says anything
like an old movie scene
the time the sun has burned
little by little, our outline fades away

tired from playing
and after we'll
sleep like we're dead
the turning summer sun
the turning uncertain season

He and you and I
and then someday it will end, vacance
throwaway music from the radio
little by little, our outline fades away

tired from playing
and after we'll
sleep like we're dead
the turning summer sun
the turning uncertain season