nerae top 40 sore wa fifty fifty kore wa top 40's song ikasu top 40 sore wa fifty fifty kore wa top 40's song utae top 40's rock top 40's song uta wa top 40's rock top 40's ba ba ba da boo da top 40 sore wa fifty fifty kore wa top 40's song atare top 40 sore wa fifty fifty kore wa top 40's song choito top 40's rock top 40's song warae top 40's rock top 40's ba ba ba da boo da top 40 sore wa fifty fifty top 40's top 40 top 40's No. 1! ------------------------------------ aim for top 40 that's fifty-fifty this is a top 40's song the cool top 40 that's fifty-fifty this is a top 40's song sing top 40's rock top 40's song the song is top 40's rock top 40's ba ba ba da boo da top 40 that's fifty-fifty this is a top 40's song nail the top 40 that's fifty-fifty this is a top 40's song a little top 40's rock top 40's song laugh top 40's rock top 40's ba ba ba da boo da top 40 that's fifty-fifty top 40's top 40 top 40's No. 1!