Pizzicato Five

Baby Mexican Rock

Pizzicato Five

maki: moshi moshi! 

d: ah maki? 

m: ah haai! 

d: ah domo! hisashiburi desu! 

m: domo nomiya desu! 
hisashiburi desu! 

d: ima no do iu jokyo kara 
denwa desu ka? 

m: eto desu ne... watashi wa 
osaka ni irun desu yo! 
osaka no terebi bangumi 
kokai rokuga de... eto 
ima... honban sanjuppun mae de 
gakuya kara denwa shitemasu. 

d: ah so? 

m: hai! 

d: ja isho ja nanka tsuketeru 
wake ne? 

m: so desu ne. mo sukkari make mo 
isho mo tsuketemasu. 

d: ano make ga suki da ne 
boku ne... 

m: (laughs) arigato gozaimasu! 

d: are maki de ne 
dokufu da yo ne! 

m: so desu ne! kekko... 

d: ano ne tokoro de ne... ano... 

m: hai! 

d: kono baby portable rock ga 
desu ne... 

m: hai! 

d: sugoin desu yo! 
request ga! 

m: so desu ka? 

d: eeeh. korya sugoi na! 

m: arigato gozaimasu. 

d: ano... do desu ka? 
hyoban wa? 

m: hai! ya mo ne... okage-sama de 
hatsu tojo best ten iri to iu 
koto de... 

d: sore wa shittemasu. hai hai. 

m: (laughs) pizzicato five to shite 
mo nanka hajimete de sugoi 
yorokonderun desu kedo ne... 

d: mmm. tashika ano 
ori concerto (*) de 
wa senshu ni deshita yo ne! 

m: so desu ne honto 
okage-sama de 
arigato gozaimasu! 

d: sugoi hyo janai desu ka 
kore wa. 

m: so desu yo ne 

d: mmmmmmmmmmmmm. 
maki-chan ne... 

m: hai! 

d: jitsu wa kono baby portable rock. 

m: hai! 

d: eeeh... kono bangumi demo... 

m: eh. 

d: senshu ni na no. 

m: ah so desu ka? arigato gozaimasu. 

d: mmm. ano... sore kara... 
kyo no kono ikkyo da to... 

m: eh. 

d: kyo ichi ni... kakenoboru 
kamoshirenai zo! 

m: (laughs) da to ureshii desu ne! 

d: mmm ne. 

m: eh. 

d: ano 
chotto radio no o-kiki no 
kata-gata ni osaka no ho 
kara go-aisatsu 

m: ah hai! ah domo! 
pizzicato five no 
nomiya maki desu! 
eto baby portable rock ni 
takusan request 
arigato gozaimasu! 
kore kara mo 
oen shite kudasai! 

d: ano maki-chan ne 

m: hai! 

d: kore wa boku no 
kankaku nan da keredomo... 

m: eh! 

d: pink lady no 

m: (laughs) 

d: sore kara candies no 

m: hai! 

d: sonna kanji no 
hyo no atsumekata 
desu yo! 

m: honto desu ka? 

d: kochira wa. 
sugoi ne.... 

m: ureshii desu! 

d: o-aite sa, 
ima nani yatten no? 

m: etoh... 
konishi-kun wa ne... 
eto eto... 

d: nanka kutenn ja nai no? 

m: ah so so so! 
shokuji ni dettemasu. 

d: detcha dame da yo! 
sanjuppun mae nandakara mo! 
o-aite wa nonkina 
otoko desu ne! 
ano otoko wa! 

m: so desu ne! 

d: maki-chan wa ano... 
nan to iu kana? 
hijoni koseiteki na 
kao wo shite irasshaimasu 
keredomo...jibun no 
seikaku wa do nan desu ka? 

m: (laughs) 
seikaku desu ka? 
seikaku ne... 
do desho... 
pizzicato de ano 
sugoi hade na 
make toka isho wo 
tsuketeru hodo 
hade janai to 
omoun desu kedo ne. 
seikaku no ho wa. 

d: ko yatte 
denwa de hanashite 
miru to 
wakarimasu yo ne. 
jitsu ni so desu yo ne. 
ano... hitotsu ne 
kiita hanashi de 
tashikametain desu ga... 
pizzicato five ga 
sekai seiha wo neratteru 
tte hanashi wo 
kiiterun desu yo. 

m: hai. so desu ne. 
kaigai de no 
katsudo mo kekko 
kyonen gurai kara? 
kappatsu ni natte kite 
chotto ne iro iro ima 
keikaku-chu to iu ka. 

d: tsumari ne 
pizzicato five ga 
sekai seiha wo 
nashitogete kureru to 
nihon no ongaku scene ga 
gara tto kawatte kuru 
ja nai ka to iu 
so iu warera no 
kitai-kan mo arun 
desu yo. 

m: so desu ne. gambaritai 
to omoimasu. 

d: gambatte ne. 

d: de ato nijugofun-mae 
gurai desu ne! 

m: so desu ne! hai. 

d: gomen ne! isogashii 
tokoro de. 

m: iie iie 

d: sore de wa tomokaku 
desu ne 


d: konshu ichi ni 
kakenoboru ka 
do ka to iu 
koto de... 
ja ikimasho! 
arigato ne 

m: hai domo 
arigato gozaimasu! 

d: shitsurei shimasu 
hai. sore de wa 
baby portable rock 
pizzicato five! 

m: domo arigato 
sore de wa 
o-wakare ni 
watashi-tachi no 
ichiban atarashii 
kyoku wo kiite kudasai 
baby portable rock! 

i've got this call from...
the vocalist of pizzicato five...
nomiya maki-chan!
hello maki?


maki is that you?

yeees tis me!

maki! long time no see!

hi! maki here!
long time no see!

would you tell us
where you're calling from?

mmm yes mmm i am mmm
i'm in osaka now!
i'll be on this live programme
on telly
they'll start shooting
in half an hour! i'm backstage!

is that a fact?

tis too!

i presume you're wearing
your costume and stuff

you bet! wearing my costume and
made up to the nines i am!

gosh i love the way 
you wear your make up

thank you!

i mean no one ELSE 
wears that make up!

you're right i suppose...

by the way...


your latest single... what was 
it again...baby portable rock...

what about it?

it's incredible!
the number of requests we've had!

you don't say!

i do and i do! i mean INCREDIBLE!

thank you so much.

so what sort of response 
are you getting? 

you wouldn't believe it!
it's our first time on the hit charts
and we are one of the top ten!

that much even i know.

well it's our first time
so we're all very
excited about it...

mmm. correct me if i'm wrong.
last week you were
number two on ori concerto?

yes tis true.
thank you so much
thank you all!

isn't it

i suppose so.

hey maki!


this baby portable rock...


even in our programme...


twas number two last week.

really? thank you so much.

really! and...
if it keeps its pace...


it will climb to the top of the chart 

i would be delighted
if it did.



would you
greet our listeners
send them
a big hello
from osaka?

how do you do!
i'm miss nomiya maki!
thank you so much
for your requests of
baby portable rock!
please keep
supporting us!


i can hear you!

this is just
a personal opinion but...


it feels like the good 
ol' times of pink lady!


it feels like the candies
got back together!


this is the feeling i get
from the response of
our listeners!

is that so.

well at least in our programme.
tis fantastic!

i'm so happy.
soooooo happy.

your partner?

my partner? konishi you mean?
konishi is...
well he is...

i bet he's out for some food.

oh yes precisely.
he went out
to have something to eat.
this is what he's doing. (**)

all the nerve!
30 minutes before you're on air
and this bloke leaves you there alone!
that bloke
is such a character!

i suppose he is. (***)

let's talk about you.
you have -- how to put it?
such a special face (****)
but i would really like to know
who is the real nomiya maki?
what kind of person is she?

the real nomiya maki?
now the real nomiya maki...
she is... well...
she is not half
the vamp (in her private moments)
she seems to be
when she's all made up
and dressed up to the nines
the way she is
when she's the pizzicato vocalist.

when one talks to you
on the phone like this
tis easy to spot
the discrepancy.
what you just said is so true.
now to shift subjects
i've heard
through the grapevine
that pizzicato is trying
to conquer the world
that's what i heard.
now is this true?

well actually...
we've been doing
a lot of work abroad.
maybe since last year?
we've been doing a lot of stuff
we've been planning a lot of stuff
we've been doing all sorts of things.

what i mean is
if pizzicato
becomes worldwide famous
it will have
a very positive influence
on the japanese
musical scene as a whole.
we all have 
great expectations
towards you.

we'll try
to do our best.

please do.

well you've only got
25 minutes left apparently!


i'm sorry to have
called you when you're so busy.

ah it's alright.



let's wait and see
if you climb up
to the top of the chart
this week!
so let's go!
thank you maki!

thank you
so much!

ok so now 
baby portable rock
pizzicato five!

thank you
so much.
before we part
please listen
to our latest
tis called
baby portable rock!

translator's notes
(*) orikon is the abbreviation of ORIGINAL CONFIDENCE (what is this supposed to mean? japlish at its best at any rate). orikon is a company that rates jpops every week (including kayokyoku and enka) based on sales and radio requests. to the young generation it feels like orikon has existed forever, and it has an old-fashioned reputation to it because it includes enka (japanese 'country music') in its ratings.
(**) the way these sentences are phrased and spoken gives the listener a clear feeling that maki-chan is lying, and not very happy about it
(***) here she's trying to sound cheerful but actually sounds desperate
(****) this may come as a shock to all western fans, but the japanese don't think maki-chan is beautiful. she's too different from your standard japanese beauty -- people think she has a 'funny face'. go figure

haru nanoni 
'date' mo shinai no ? 
Baby fushigi jyanai ? 
ima suguni 
uchi made mukae ni 
Baby kite kurenai ? 
denwa shite sukoshi 
amaete-mita nowa 
kono koi ga 
honto no koi ka 
shiritaku natta no 

'wild' ni 
dokoka e 'drive' 
Baby sugu ikanai ? 
ichiban suki na fuku 
amai 'pastel' no 
kono koi ga honto no koi nara
ii to omowanai ? 

Baby baby baby imasugu 
Baby baby baby aini kite 
shiawase na koi no yokan 
kesa kara 
nantonaku kizuiteta no 

daisuki na 
'record' kakaete 
Baby aini kite 
'portable player' ga 
mawari hajimetara 
kono koi ga honto no koi 
dato anata mo shinjiru ? 

Baby baby baby imasugu 
Baby baby baby aini kite 
shiawase na koi no yokan 
kesa kara 
anata mo kizuiteta no ? 

kono koi ga honto no koi nara 
ii to omowanai ? 

Baby baby baby imasugu 
Baby baby baby aini kite 
shiawase na koi no yokan 
kesa kara 
nantonaku kizuiteta 
kotoshi no haru wa kitto 
ureshii koto ga arutte

Baby baby baby imasugu 
Baby baby baby aini kite
Baby baby baby imasugu 
Baby baby baby aini kite
Baby baby baby baby baby etc... 

don't you date 
although it's spring ?
Baby, isn't it strange?
Baby won't you come
pick me up
at my front door?
I was like a spoilt child 
on the phone 
But I want to know 
if our love 
is true

driving wild
goin' somewhere
Baby why don't we go?
In my favorite 
sweet pastel dress
Don't you think this
is true love?

Baby baby baby as soon as you can
Baby baby baby come to me
I feel this is happy love
And I've felt 
this way since morning

bring your 
favorite record
Baby come to me
when the portable player 
starts to spin
Don't you believe 
our love is true?

Baby baby baby as soon as you can
Baby baby baby come to me
I feel this is happy love
Haven't you 
felt it since morning?

Don't you wish 
our love were true?

Baby baby baby as soon as you can
Baby baby baby come to me
I feel this is happy love
And I've felt this way 
since morning
This spring
I know something joyful will happen

Baby baby baby as soon as you can
Baby baby baby come to me
Baby baby baby as soon as you can
Baby baby baby come to me
Baby baby baby baby baby etc...