GRACE Woman I am born What does "woman" mean? Must my dreams face scorn Held back and unseen If I long for fire Must it stay unreal? Can I not desire? Am I not to feel? If I ache to taste Am I not to try? If my heary says sail Why must I deny? I have my dreams I have made plans I see horizons wide as a man's Must I be nothing till I'm some man's wife? Look at this face Does it deceive? Do I look made to milk and to weave? I will be damned to Hell if that is my life! (Interlude) Tiernan, I'm almost your age, I'm your match in size, I'm your match with swords An equal in most eyes But when you have a dream And you're caught in it's grip You can climb aboard a ship You can - You can for you're a man You can reach toward that place Where the earth meets the sky Fight a battle be brave, be true If you can do it, why not I? I'm meant to fly Sail unrestrained Why is man free and woman chained? Is that my epitaph before I die? I should be free Free to be Grace I want to feel the wind on my face! And when life beckons, I should go Face out the storm, not stay below Am I to be just woman? No! Not I!