Dubhdara My child, my grace, A stow'way on my ship And what a fool you've made me I'm proud! i am! I'll put away the whip But still - you disobeyed me For flouting me As any sailor knows, I'd have him keelhauled through the water But when i think What judgment to impose I only see my daughter Grania at the fireside If you stay You know the crew's unease The battles on the seas And me - i'll want to shield you Grace Father, please Just let me have my start When you were sick at heart The ocean was what healed you Dubhdara My grania, My daughter through and through (makes his decision) Let my judgment be made And your brav'ry repaid: You can stay till this voyage is through And may god and this crew Please forgive what i do Dearest grania... Grace Dearest captain... Dubhdara Women are a myst'ry Wild, elusive creatures Twenty times a bother Sometimes the closest to your heart Are the ones you know least of Now i see you standing Fiery as your mother Stubborn as your father How can i chastise you for dreams And hold your untaimed heart against you When it's what i'm most proud of in me Who can even imagine The trials you will face As you strive to live free Be who you are, For you're my grace, And you'll always be (with ending)