Ladies White... Elizabeth The white of virgin skin Unblemished, powedered, blank That hides what lies within The image crowned with Elizabeth and ladies Gold... Elizabeth The color of my power The scepter and the orb Demands of state that flower My anger flowing Elizabeth and ladies Red... Elizabeth Blood, lips, and blushing cheeks This body made of flesh Confining even me Ladies White, gold, red... Elizabeth This fortress i create Made from these pots of paint No longer serves as it was meant to be I stand divine As the monarch clear Yet on every side Thund'ring words i hear: "it's time that she Wed a consort king" To produce an heir Is in fact the role of the queen Lords and ladies She stands divine As the sov'reign soul Placed by god himself In her royal role In a child, they say, Crown and flesh convene To postpone that day Has become the goal of the queen Elizabeth (spoken sing-song) I love my new map. Knowing better the topography of ireland. We've made great advances in the east. But... Why is it in the west I am consistently defied by this... Female!!! Bingham (spoken) Not for much longer. things are going according to plan, your majesty. Soon we'll see the end of this so-called queen of the Pirates, this trousered pretender, this aberration of her sex. Elizabeth This is your last cha-a-a-a-nce! Bingham, lords and ladies She stands divine As the sov'reign soul Placed upon the throne By the hand of god In sacrifice She remains serene In her ev'ry breath She defines the role of the queen