This one is for you fuckhead! Living in those cracks you've made. Chewing on me for all my faults, Watching me fall till I'm all worn. I CAN'T GO ON WITH THIS DISEASE DRILLING ITSELF INTO MY HEAD! I'm gonna fight back! You can't rule me! I'm tired of your rules and all your fuckin' bullshit! The time is up for you shitbag! Extroverted son of a whore. Throwing your weight in your own space, You got no respect to save your own face. I MUST GO ON WITH THIS HEADRUSH PULSATING HARD INSIDE MY HEAD! I'm gonna fight back! You can't rule me! I'm tired of your rules and all your fuckin' bullshit! I will fight! I'll be defiant! You think you rule me but the fact is that you can't own me! YOU THINK YOU RULE ME BUT THE FACT IS THAT YOU CAN'T OWN ME! I'm gonna fight back! You can't rule me! I'm tired of your rules and all your fuckin' bullshit!