An open mind imagination knows no bounds Think it out in cheap and twisted times Double trouble, you're raisin the flag again Careful give that cry What matters now, is not who'll take the blame Station to directionless is full of the game Rrright now, oh where do we begin, when all roads lead to sin? There's a neck wrenchin like a space At the cutting face When you crawl so low that you can't get back You take a gamble, you figure every angle You've gotta top tip bop- you find yourself a tight fit There's a neck wrenchin like a space At the cutting face When you crawl so low that you've gotta get back It's more techno splatter wake a few fools I'll go out tonight and maybe break a few rules There's a neck wrenchin like a space Mayhem ninjas, guns and gore I'll go out tonight and maybe score a bit more A crabby tuesday, i call it every blues.. Techno splatter wake a few foolss Can't get next to you I just wanna hold you Havin-it-havin-it......i'm not having it No way None of it Not at all There's a neck wrenchin like a space At the cutting face When the light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming Train..