Tom: C E|E|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Twist - Phish E|E|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Tabbed by: Pauly S This is pretty much a standard 12 bar blues, though it gets kind of funky. Listen to a recording for timing information, as usual. Progression Number: [--I--] [--II--] [--III--] [--IV--] [--V--] F C G F C C C Bb G F C D C F G E|--3--3--3----3--3--3-----------(3)---3--3--2-----0--1-----| (3) B|--1--1--0----1--1--1----5--3----3----1--1--3-----1--1--0--| G|--2--0--0----2--0--0----5--3----4----2--0--2-----0--2--0--| D|--3--2--0----3--2--2----5--3----5----3--2--0-----2--3--0--| A|------------------------3--5----5-------------------------| E|-------(3)------------------------------------------------| Mike Plays something like this: E|----------------------------------------------| B|----------------------------------------------| G|----------------------------------------------| D|---5------3-----------------------------------| A|------5------3--------------5----1----3-------| E|-------------------------------------------3--| [I] I spoke your name for many days [III] Pronouncing it in several ways [II] [I] And moving letters all around [IV] [V] And substituting every sound And when you heard the end result, I told you it was not my fault, If you were here more of the day, It wouldn't twist around that way.... Chorus E|----------------------------------------------------------------------| B|---3----3----5---3----------------------------------------------------| G|---4----3----5---3----------------------------------------------------| D|---5----3----5---3----------------------------------------------------| A|---5----5----3---3h5--------------------------------------------------| E|---3------------------------------------------------------------------| Wouldn't twist around (wouldn't twist around) that way Whoo! (Repeat Chorus) Piano Break G Bb C (X3) (Chorus Again) Then do a funky post '96 Phish jam in the key of G (pentatonic?) until the crowd is in a trance then come back with the Whoo!'s and the chorus. | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note ===============================================================================