You're my security, You bring the word to me, You gave me hope When I was gone in confusion, I could never say You were so far away That You couldn't hear my cry, Afraid I was losing You. I found a well in my heart and in my soul Not one word of Your good words Have failed to make me whole And I know that Heaven and Earth May pass away But Your unfailing words are here to stay. Oh I'll take courage here There is no room for fear. You gave me strength when I was caught in the middle You spoke peace to me now I could never be More satisfied in tends of having so little. And I found a well in my heart and in my soul Not one word of Your good words Have failed to make me whole And I know that Heaven and Earth May pass away But Your unfailing words are here to stay. I understand Your heart and your command You gave me grace to go and Do Your good pleasure. In the fight ahead I look for a song instead, And retreating back when I am faced with the pressure. Cause I found a well in my heart and in my soul Not one word of Your good words Have failed to make me whole And I know that Heaven and Earth May pass away But Your unfailing words are here to stay.